Beyond Piggy Banks and Lemonade Stands
As parents, we understand the importance of talking to our young children about safety, proper nutrition and kindness. Yet how often do we discuss the value of budgeting, or saving money? When it comes to finances, most families avoid this topic. Yet every step our kids take from college through retirement will be directly influenced by their ability to manage their finances: student loans, credit cards, jobs, mortgages, savings, etc. So many of our adult issues could be avoided if we learned the importance of saving, avoiding debt and responsible spending at an early age.
I know what you’re thinking. Finance can be overwhelming and intimidating and most parents probably have no idea where to start teaching their kids.
Beyond Piggy Banks is written for you: the loving, responsible and overworked parents of young children. It takes the stress and mystery out of finance, and focuses on the basic fundamentals elementary children should understand so they can make smart decisions as they grow. This simple, light hearted guide provides parents with the specific tools, activities and step-by-step lessons needed to teach their child. Most of all, the book focuses on how to incorporate teaching finance to your child through everyday real-world activities that you and your child are already doing.
This book provides parents with the confidence to teach simple financial basics to children. With that confidence comes excitement and inspiration; by teaching your children about finance you will influence every step of their lives in a positive and meaningful way.
The ultimate goal of this book, and of any parent, is to raise healthy, independent and responsible children; kids who are prepared when adulthood hits!

Beyond Piggy Banks and Lemonade Stands
As parents, we understand the importance of talking to our young children about safety and proper nutrition. We get them involved in sports early to teach them the value of teamwork and physical health. Yet how often do we discuss the value of budgeting, or saving money? When it comes to finances, we don’t want to stress children out or feel they don’t need to understand finance until they are older (and many people still think talking about money is rude). Yet every step our kids take from college through retirement will be directly influenced by their ability to manage their finances: student loans, credit cards, jobs, mortgages, savings, etc. So many of our adult issues could be avoided if we learned the importance of saving, avoiding debt and responsible spending at an early age.
I know what you’re thinking. This all makes sense, and sounds peachy, but easier said than done. Finance can be overwhelming and intimidating (not to mention a book on financial literacy is perhaps not the summer read you were hoping to sink your teeth into). Most parents probably have no idea where to start, how to teach finance and what kids can even understand at this age. Plus, what parent can find the time when your ever-growing to-do list includes things like “incorporate more protein into child’s diet” and “learn how to change a tire”.
Beyond Piggy Banks is written for you: the loving, responsible and overworked parents of young children. It takes the stress and mystery out of finance, and focuses on the basic fundamentals elementary children should understand so they can make smart decisions as they grow. This usable, light hearted, real-world guide provides parents with the specific tools and step-by-step lessons needed to teach their child. The lessons provided are easy to teach and understand. The activities are quick, enjoyable and educational. Each concept starts with the basics, and builds upon them so your child has a full understanding of the topic. The chapters are broken out into simple and digestible sections, made for busy parents who don’t have time for a finance novel. Most of all, the book focuses on how to incorporate teaching finance to your child through everyday real-world activities that you and your child are already doing.
This book provides parents with the confidence to teach simple financial basics to children. With that confidence comes excitement and inspiration; by teaching your children about finance you will influence every step of their lives in a positive and meaningful way.
The ultimate goal of this book, and of any parent, is to raise healthy, independent and responsible children; kids who are prepared when adulthood hits!

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