Getty We seem to be moving closer to being a cashless society, meaning more kids are being exposed to digital wallets, money apps and yes, credit cards. While digital wallets and apps can be great learning tools for older kids who understand money - credit cards can...
Tips To Pay Off Your Credit Card Debt Faster
It's easy to get in over your head with credit card debt. American card balances reached $1.13 trillion in the last three months of 2023, up from $986 billion at the end of 2022, according to a Federal Reserve Bank of New York report. The average credit card balance...
Why I Joined Copper
Being a financial planner, I see first hand the importance of having a basic financial education. However most adults don't understand money management and are intimidated by finance, and it's for good reason - no one ever taught them! So many of our adult issues...
Three Things To Do During A Stock Market Crash
Fears of the coronavirus has sent the markets tumbling over the past few weeks. Although the coronavirus is new territory for us, stock market turbulence is not. Most adults have lived through several at this point, but it doesn’t make them any less scary. They can...
Three Reasons All Women MUST Understand The Basics Of Finance
Of course all adults should understand finance – but women face unique challenges that make it especially important make it especially important to be on top of their financials.
How To Give Your Child An Allowance
Allowance has become a hotly debated subject among parents over the past few years. Parents argue if kids should even have an allowance (The answer is YES! See my post “Why Every Child Should Have An Allowance”) and if so, how should the allowance be set up? While I’m...
10 Simple Ways To Save Now
You may see this list and worry it’s yet another article scolding you for buying coffee every morning...that somehow by foregoing your morning $5 beverage is the answer to your saving issues. Not me! I actually want you to buy your coffee! The reason many find it hard...
Overwhelmed By Your Finances? Here’s Your Quick And Simple Guide To Get Started.
I know that finances are intimidating, and most people have no clue where to start. The problem is that this fear makes us paralyzed. We are terrified to make a mistake, so we do nothing. But doing nothing and ignoring your finances is the worst thing you can do....
Want to make sure your child is developing healthy money habits?
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